klik kasi ikan mkn..di0wg lapa la~

Friday, August 28, 2009

guys .. what do u think about this person.. and (plz take kad raye at the bottom of this entry yah) -thanks

ok guys.. some of my friends comment about person who said a harsh words or something stupid at their chatbox.. i just heard and read but now i got 1... it's from kude.. he or she i don't know but maybe i think 'he' but its ok just give him/her a nickname MORON

MORON said at my chatbox:

oOo ****...laki poyo...ntah pape...people please d0n’t ask and ask again ab0ut myself.. I’ll HATE u forever and n0thing can change it I swear.. **** you...poyo...gi duk utan ar...Actually i dun wanna fall f0r gurl f0r n0w n i HATE pe0ple wh0 luv me except ma fmily...haha...fu*k sebab xensem...hahaha

for kude@MORON: i think u did a nonsense thing like this to many of others rite??

ok i know many people like MORON..

in personal..

im so pity with MORON.. maybe MORON want to get a cheap attention from others or MORON's life is so pity and MORON's family didn't care about MORON so MORON do something stupid to get people's attention.. MORON will happy i think when people angry to it(i used it coz kude@morom is a scum n not a human).. even though people angry and hate MORON but MORON are happy coz at least people talk to it and see that it is exist in this world coz nobody care about MORON if MORON is a good human..

to kude@MORON..

ok i explain about 'don't ask me over and over' -if u do this thing that means u a too idiot coz can't remember what i said before..

ok and about 'i dun wanna fall f0r girl f0r n0w n i HATE pe0ple wh0 luv me except ma family' -actually i don't want to care about
people or heartless so if people like me, i must to care about them and don't let my attitude hurt their feeling.. but i don't want to do this thing..
............................. am i 'poyo' or kude jeles??

so they will get hurt.. if u know many girls are very sensitive when they like somebody.. sometimes when their lover are not smiling they will touching or their lover over joke with them.. they will hurt too.. girls can be sooo sensitive.. so i don't want to hurt anybody..

i know myself... i can treat people to like me easily n some time i don't know that i over caring but they think i like them coz im so caring to them..so the best thing i can do is not to make people to like me n mention it early before a bad thing happen..

so for u MORON.. DON'T care about people life.. see a mirror 1st n say 'whats wrong with me?' n be a good person so people surround u will give their love and their care to u.. always smile n don't says a stupid thing without thinking.. people will hate u and u'll don't have many friends..

for me friends mean everything to me coz my friends is my life.. u can get ur happiness with them.. i just realize.. don't hurt people feeling coz they will remember it forever.. and nothing can cure it ok.. we live a short life so do the best think u can do to make people happy..

im not angry when u said like that coz u don't know bout me but im pity with u.. maybe u have a problem so thats why i don't mind.. try to understand u la konon.. u will be more matured and u will realize that what i said is true.. so i wish the best for u.. get a good life with people surround u so deep inside your heart u will says 'im happy'.. g0od luck dude n sori for a nickname (^^,) -ihsan

p/s: guys.. if u think what moron said is true just back up it yah.. i don't mind =)

latest-13th sept 09
from gurun...

i don't know why are stupid people have fun with it ?? ok a stupid joke to a stupid people rite.. yah kude n gurun.. have a fun yah !!! =)

for all my follower, friends and anybody.. im so sorry coz im not always on9 coz im too bz with my test before.. n can't read ur entry n comment on it.. i try my best to still keep close with u all ok..


i think is not too late or too early to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI to all my friends follower n visitor.. so please take this kad raye and put at ur blog yah.. thanks..


  1. Salam Ihsan..

    Sian la si Moron tu kan... suka hati orang la kan apa nak tulis dkt blog sendiri.. yg dia nak sibuk tu nak buat apa.. jeles gaknya tu..

    Sabar la ye Ihsan... jgn dilayan.. makin di layan makin menjadi... tu baru sikit je tu.. akak kena lagi teruk.. its about pride.. sbb tu akak tak letak chatbox tu.. utk mengelakkan fitnah..

  2. i think ihsan btol .
    mslh krg kaseh syg kowt .
    sabaa je la oke ihsan .

  3. like i said b4..i don't know u..but frm bottom of my heart..u r such a good boy:)..nak puaskan ati sume org..tu mmg mustahil ihsan..be yourself n people will love u! Selamat berpose yer..wlupun dh masuk hr ke-7..hehe!!

  4. haha
    moron ekk ? xD
    mmg sesuai kot dgan deaa.
    first tyme kena haa ?
    tikah x lrt nk kena dah kot. :P

  5. astaghfirullah..
    mngkin die lupe tntg 'good manners' la tue san..

    even kte nie pstiny xsebaik nabi,
    cme ingt 1 jerk:

    "kalau xmmpu nk mnyenangkan org, jgn pula kte nk mnyusahkan"

    kude, jgn gngu ihsan ag!!
    sbar yep san..

  6. act, what d meaning MORON tu?
    hehehh interesting je bunyinya..

    hmm.. to ihsan, sabar je..
    juz ignore moron tuh..
    juz b urself, dia xsuka, lantak p
    la p0n, ihsan bukn ggu dia p0n..
    pe yg pnting, ihsan happy bsama
    kwn2 and fmly.. =D

  7. criestz>dida
    hye kak dida.. yes i heard ur story boutr chatbox before.. i don't know whats wrong but its ok i don't mind kak.. akak take care yah =)

    owh ok.. LOL so lets together we r pity for kude yah ana =)

    ok akak..yes im myself.. i'll listen for ur advise =)..owh ok 'selamat hari raya' to u kak fiza

    oh tikah.. yah n u always angry to them.. i read ur entry b4... i toot just girl always has been disturb by moron like kude.. ok my dear so just ignoring people like this yah.. u haa.. don't angry2 la tau =P

    yah maybe moron always forget about it...
    yes kude.. do not disturb me.. play away !!! =P

  8. criestz>eryThr0|\/|y(iN
    hye asha.. moron is mean 'very stupid person si tolol dungu tongong bebal'.. yah im very happy with all my friends including my blogger friends.. u all so cute.. including u asha =)

  9. salam..
    org mcm tue..
    xyah lyn buang msa..
    sja aa tu nk cri pasal+jeles..
    juz b urself k..
    n ingt..
    bukan sume org hati baik..
    rmbut sma itam..
    neway hepi ramadhan kareem..

  10. criestz>einsyie::انشراح
    a'a for that person ignoring is bliss..
    yah myself myself myself.. ok hepi raye day.. just a few days left rite bfore raye gaaa~

  11. ohh..raya aa??
    but dun 4get 2 recite ur quran..
    da maw raya lagi..
    jgn curik2 mkn..

  12. aku pun dapat mende yg sama kat shoutbox.. nama dia fcuk.. tetibe je msg '#### u'.. aku tak cari pasal tetbe nak cari pasal lak rasanyer ni...

  13. maybe he just wanted to share his opinion n wat he felt..but In the WRONG WAY..
    actually ira x sebelah mn2 pihak..
    mungkin dia ada rs xpuas hati ngan ihsan?
    i dun know..
    just go on with the flow..
    n ignore wat people say if u think u r right..
    ok??be strong..
    fwens n family r everything..without them, who r we rite..
    salam ramadhan~

  14. im happy now because no more chatbox

  15. huhu..kadang-kadang orang boleh jadi immature tanpa dia sedar.

    encik yang tulis komen itu maybe dia berada di fasa xmatang so xsedar apa yang dia buat. lagi satu, dia tulis camtu tanpa dedahkan diri sendiri. lagilah nampak cam takut orang tahu diri dia sebenar. publish di blog orang lain , maybe sebab nak tumpang populariti. di samping meluahkan apa yang terpendam dalam diri die. bagus juga tapi dia lupa yang blog ini ada banyak fungsi., ada orang tulis untuk diri sendiri, so suka hatilah nak tulis apa. plus. incek kuda, kalau nak komen personaliti orang lain: said it in front of his face.

    janganla jadi pengkomen misteri. heh. act dr pandangan saye, if kita reply. buat macam kita namapk cam sama dengan orang yang cuba menimbulkan isu ini. heh.

    ihsan, cbox kan boleh cek IP number kan?

  16. criestz>einsyie::انشراح
    yah2.. come on guys.. lets read quran tghr =)
    raye raye raye =)

    a'a ayu i saw it.. ish3..dunno what to say.. what r they want huh actually ?? i have no idea huhu

    criestz>miss hirose
    a'a jeles without any reason..apeda ~

    but ira.. i don't know who is moron tu.. yah i really don't mind with 'the scum on the earth' it moron@kude n people like that.. they r useless as a human.. =P

    criestz>puding caramel
    yah2 i agree with u liyana.. moron is a chicken..
    alaa i just wanna know n see moron face n 'nyakat' til it(i used it coz moron is a kude =p ) cry...syok gile rite =)

    i can't.. coz moron is anonymous people.. no data... ala its ok.. dun mind yah =)

  17. forget about that moron..
    ckap dorg xsrupe bikin..

  18. manusia jeles seperti itu sgt kurang kasih sayang... hakhakhak..

    mai da kene lebeyh trok drpd ney dulu... masa first2 wt blog ney... but, mai just wt buduh jaaaa... lame2 senyap la 2...

    kite da kn je dye brubah.... drpd kite bdendam seyh....

  19. oh god, i get that all the time. i stopped caring soon after. =) ah who cares about people like this, ihsan? they want attention, and when you give it to them, they'll be happy. next time don't entertain these people by posting an entry talking to them - that's what they want. ignore them. that's the right way to kick at their guts without getting physical. *^^*

    and another thing, in your post you wrote 'that's mean'. that's wrong, ihsan. it should be 'that means'. those two have different meanings, and it jeopardizes the whole meaning of your sentence when you use them incorrectly. careful next time, yes?


  20. moron kurang perhatian.
    kasihanilah Moron tersebut,dan mari kite sesame mmberikan sepnuh kash syg terhadap beliau.
    haha :P

  21. criestz>piqot
    ea they r not a human lor.. =P
    they r scum on the earth =)

    criestz>maisyara pot! pot!
    yah u're rite mai.. agree agree =)

    criestz>Max J. Potter
    yah.. ala but sis.. i just want to play with they all.. play with their emotion.. i like it all the time.. when im playing with people emotion im very happy, exited n ah its good =P people like them always used their emotion not their mind n emotion always know 1 thing -angry when people disturb u... so lets ply with them.. can i sis ?? huhu =)

    n thanks alot for ur crrction.. appreciated =)

  22. criestz>Boo™
    ok izza.. let's give our caring to moron..
    n u're the 1st yah.. i'll follow u then =)

  23. ihsan, ema rase lpas ni kalo 'moron' ni wat hal lg.. ihsan xpyh wat entry psl dye.. sbb manusia mcm nie xpenah rase puas aty... nnt dye rase dye menang plak kn..

    ema x pihak pd sape2 k..ema tkot 'moron' ade yg x puas aty ngn ihsan..
    lupekan je moron ni k?

  24. m0ron..m0r0n...
    i think die saje je nak cari pasal ngan kamu...
    xpayah layan si m0r0n tue..wat sakit ati jerw kalo layan..

  25. org senang nak kata buruk pasal org lain...tp nak kata buruk pasal diri sndiri..mmg susah!

  26. criestz>ema
    ok ema.. i'll listen to u.. but i thing moron don't know who i am.. moron just blog walking.. many people like moron.. ala ema.. i just wanna play with moron.. if moron think it is win.. it is idiot rite.. lalala~ =)

    criestz>misS aCha
    but i'll not angry to moron coz i already meet more stupid scum like moron.. just play with them n treat them n laugh to them.. it's funny rite acha ??

    that's a human rite =)

  27. uit da ada lagu raya..hehehe..
    ermm alaa napa dat person say something like that..neway jgn pk2 lagik ae..let him or her be ait..:)

  28. criestz>syafawani
    eit kak wani.. i put raye song since syaaban tau..just a few days left to clbrate hari raya =) ok let moron do what it want =)

  29. cmni ihsan,org cmni jgn layan je..mmg niat diorng nak wat org down..so just ignore je..
    even die x ske ihsan pun, tp perasan x, org cmtu akan baca entry ihsan sume, then cari point utk kritik x bertmpt..
    so ni membuktikn yg ihsan ni famous..hoho..so biar je org mcm tu sakit hati sendiri..jgn wat die ske tgk ihsan tension ngn die..=)

  30. criestz>fiza
    ok fiza u're rite.. if moron r jeles to me its ok then.. but i can't make moron fames too coz i dunno who is kude actually sob sob =P

    dun worry yah fiza.. im not under preasure coz i always hepi with my life.. lets play mercon =)

  31. cop2..
    yang kaler kuning tu ke yang orang tu cakap?

    hmm..kalau yg tu x patut kut dy kata gitu..

    tp tak pe, life is about give n take.jahat allah balas jahat..

    kalau awak mmg bukan mcm tu, so, bukan la..

    biarla apa orang kata.. =)

  32. moron mulot jht.

    stop being childish.
    kau bleh blah!

  33. haha. kesian ade jgk hamba Allah yg mcmni..
    juz ignore person 2 wahai ihsan. i'll be at ur side. ;)
    die mmg krg kasih syg~

  34. criestz>ayumiyoshida
    yah ayu life is about give and take so moron take back what u gave.. i don't want lor =P

    yey adjla back up me.. ea moron syoh syoh

    ok wani come here seat beside me =)

    criestz>ღ izzy is me ღ
    a'a rite.. hwy moron go to the hospital la.. or just cll 991-ambulan =P

  35. ada jgk kn org cm tu..ish2...xfhm la....xptot dia ckp g2..wah ihsan..dah ada lagu raya neh...semgt neh ...hehhehe....thnx tau 4 ur ekad..i like it...

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. criestz>HonEyBuNNy
    a'a lya.. many people like dis moron tau.. ea i put that song since syaaban lor.. ea kad raye ye.. huhu =P

  38. tyna.. i don't know where ur cmmnt.. it vanish huhu

  39. hish
    lalat2 cm gini banyak sungguh kat dunia blogkan
    naseb bek ihsan cool jer
    ignore k
    kita doakan dye akan mendapat kaseh syg y cukop :)
    to her/him : benti buat keje bodoh ngata2 org kat blog okeh

  40. Entah la nak kata apa...
    Moga ALLAH sayang MORON and Abang Ihsan...

  41. hurm..xtahu la nak ckp pe...buat skit hati ja kn.....nsb ne bln ramadhn tau..uhuhu

  42. criestz>Syarinie Amran
    ok la mybe i put smthing what people said poyo..
    ok i can accept if they r not feel cmfortble..
    but im pity to u sya.. u did nothing wrong but people still said a harsh waords to u..
    just ignore and act cool yah.. don't be angry =)

    criestz>Aisyah Ulya
    yah aisyah.. may ALLAH luv u too

    a'a.. im fasting tau.. full =)

  43. i just wanna say bout the moron.

    moron is loser+loser=double loser=MORON.

    THTS IT. to moron, go get ur life, dun bother others. tq.

  44. criestz>Tyna Aizat
    yah thats why nick name kude is a MORON.. =)

  45. okay okay.
    I get that everyone is telling HIM this and that
    but honestly
    this is Malaysia isn't it?
    we can voice out whatever we want to
    but of course in an orderly manner
    not just drop by and says harshly
    for me
    just forgive him
    we cannot avoid from making mistakes
    it's better if we forgive others
    we'll be contented
    and peace
    Allah likes this kind of person=)

  46. criestz>ainaizzaty.
    aina.. im not angry...
    if u said that u can voice out whateva u want..
    but it still has a rule rite..

    u can't says bout sentimental region..
    make people shame..
    or something like that..

    yah people make a mistake...
    but if they do without know it is wrong
    we can forgive them..

    but if they like to do the mistake??
    should we just look n see ??
    without punish..

    ok for me this is not a big deal..
    coz that moron can't touch n disterb me..

    niwey thanks aina.. this is ur 1st comment on my entry rite..??

    im sooo happy =)

  47. ape si moron tuh na senanye ?
    sebuk je hal orang
    tade life sungguh

  48. ehem2...


    sudah lama tidak menjejakkan kaki ke sini..

    nape ni ihsan...

    juz 4give him..

    bulan2 puasa ni...

    mari kita jadi budak baik..hahaha

    btw, moron is olweyz da loser... =)

  49. ehem2...


    sudah lama tidak menjejakkan kaki ke sini..

    nape ni ihsan...

    juz 4give him..

    bulan2 puasa ni...

    mari kita jadi budak baik..hahaha

    btw, moron is olweyz da loser... =)

  50. itu maknanya nak cari pasal.
    tok sah layan orang macam tu.

  51. criestz>eyra
    i dunno what that moron want..
    kude kude.. do want grass ?? =P

    ea aisyah.. i always a 'budak baek' tau..
    mama said tau n my teacher also =)
    ok kude come here kiss my leg..
    i'll frgive u.. aiceh like a king lak =)

    yah2 dira.. i listen to u budak kecik =P

  52. dear ihsan...

    heh.. sangat teruk la itu ayat... yaa.. maybe he want to say sumting but not in d correct way..

    wat bodo sudeyy.. pening kepala saja layan org itu macam.. :D

    nway, slamat puasa yay~!

  53. ihsan..
    dun care bout what people think of u
    yg penting
    u know ur self
    u still at the rite track
    biar kn org2 cm2
    kte xleh nk tutup mulut org
    juz forgive him
    maybe he dont know u well
    cheer ok

  54. Xbape paham la English nko. Grammar dik.. Huhu. BTW, rasenya aku paham mksod nko. Dak MORON tu? Mereka tu xde keje. Biarkan mereka ngn dunia mereka itu. Cambest. Biar je...

  55. criestz>aidaNadia
    my friends got more harsh words nadia..
    yah slamat ari raye ya nadia =)

    yah cheer.. lets party izyan =)

    criestz>Farihah Ahmad
    yah broken english..damn damn !!!
    ala as long as u know what i wanna says its ok lor.. i still try to improve my broken spoken english.. yah it shame but keep going ihsan !!! cam besh ?? ololoo rite agree2.. =)

  56. selamat hari raya...yeah..nk raya..hehehe
    hmm who's this moron??
    just ignore him...or if 'he' come in here..just spit on him...haha
    kejam nye...ignore him ok..he just wanna challenge ur patient...and if u fall into his trap u might as well be a moron like him..ops..does not mean to offend u...sometime stupid people like this, we just need to ignore..thats all..

  57. criestz>Atiqah
    i donno from where this scum coming..
    tup tup this moron walking into my blog. hampeh
    yah spit on this moron..dush3

    ok slmt ari raya too..

  58. Ni lah jadinya bila dia berfikiran tak rasional sentiasa -ve..maybe dia emosional masa menaip tu..so ihsan abaikan biarkan dia dengan labu labi nya... moga bulan mulia penuh berkat ni ihsan bertambah lipat gandanya keberbatan ya!...

  59. criestz>pn-iena
    that moron emosional n im a vixtim huhu
    yah hope so.. get many many many more =)

  60. haish..
    mmg bncila ngan pengacaw+penyibuk cam gini!!
    hate them!

    hepi ramadan yah!
    ramadhan kareem..

  61. criestz>miss GAZA
    yah hate them.. scum of the earth !! =)
    ok hepi raye too.. take kad raye yah =)

  62. eklehh!poyoo gilaa kau yg ta nsem nk kate dye lak. kau jeles xckp laa. letak name kude. ha! takot tunjuk kan diri yg sebenar ke? haha! pengecut doe! to budak kude.

  63. criestz>anissuhaila
    oo aniss.. calm down yah...
    relax la anis.. don't so emotional..
    by de waay thanks dear =)

  64. thanks..cute kad raya..
    hyep mne bley lapar2..hehehe

  65. criestz>miss hirose
    alaa.. im so hungry maa huhu =(

  66. ihsan,

    time to balas balik pe diowang wat kan
    sape suh cari psl
    kita bek je kan.
    ni suke ti je an nak kata kita camtu la, cmni la,
    pdhl knl pyn tidak
    sungguh hot

    nape nak tergelak?
    sya manja??
    dun think so

    ihsan memahami kan
    phm2 je owg sedey bf jaoh ni

    time to balas balik pe diowang wat kan
    sape suh cari psl
    kita bek je kan.
    ni suke ti je an nak kata kita camtu la, cmni la,
    pdhl knl pyn tidak
    sungguh hot

    nape nak tergelak?
    sya manja??
    dun think so

    ihsan memahami kan
    phm2 je owg sedey bf jaoh ni

  67. criestz>Syarinie Amran
    yaa.. u have a tender smile n babyface !!

  68. salam ihsan,

    first of all,
    sya nak gtaw y sya xapproe komen ihsan,

    sya harap ihsan xkecik ati k
    sya hargai sgt2!!
    cuma sya xmau org yang anggap sya salah terus hentam sya
    sya harap ihsan fhm keadaan sya :(

    biarlah mereka nak anggap ape
    sya dah malas nak terus bermain dgn mereka
    sya matikan kat c2
    lepas ni ape pun yang dwg anggap sya,
    sya dah xkesah
    sya dah xnk ada kena mengena pape ngn diorang

    dgn brt hati,
    sya lepaskan mereka sbg sahabat.
    xperlulah ihsan taw blog mereka
    nti lagi haru bila mereka taw sya heboh2kan blog dwg

  69. criestz>Syarinie Amran
    ala i just wanna read their blog huhu

  70. .i pena kene lg teruk dr u
    .die tulis mcm2 kt chatbox
    .18sx sume
    .pena gk buat entry psal dah x tahan n geram kt org gile tu
    .check dis

    .but then i think, its useless
    .org mcm tu mmg x payah layan
    .so ignore je
    .if die msg kt chatbox, juz ignore je
    .x payah delete or do anything
    .juz banned ip address
    .mebi die bole on9 pkai other pc but biar lah die dgn labu-labunye
    .pity to them
    .x reti nk ltk link
    .coward gile
    .klu ade prtandingan, for sure u win ihsan! (:

  71. criestz>~♥ cik intan®
    yah thanks.. actually i just wanna hve sme fun.. put entry n got many cmmnt.. so i can bcome more closer to my blogger friends..

    i don't care bout all stupid moron outside there.. their not allowed to come inside my world.. only a cute girls n a kind boys r welcome =)


put ur link here blogger.. ~♡