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Friday, July 24, 2009

'g0dbye' form the school ~

...................Sir Ghazali bin Omar in a mem0ries..................

I talked alone about...who knows what??... about 1 words- ‘goodbye’..I remembered back to when i was just a little boy.I remember the day that we met. U came into my class and introduced your name and teach us English.. but now just thinking about you, I closed ma eyes and let alone seeing you in my mind, felt so glorious as emotions so intense.. made me feel like…(speechless-sori)! You were so kind and simple, not to mention your clean face...

This story is about my Allahyarham Sir Ghazali

he is died at 9.40pm,Wednesday 22 of july 2009..

death reason : severe pneumonia …

He is the 6th who is saying goodbye and they all have a connection with ma school..

1st- Mohsin(my senior) ……………….may 09

2nd-Hamzani’s(my batch) dad.. …………..may 09

3rd-Ummi Halimatun(my bm teacher).. ………..14th may 09

4th-Muhammad Ammar(classmate).. …………..10th jun 09

5th-Afifi’s(classmate) br0ther.. …………………jun 09

And the latest

6th-Sir Ghazali(my bi teacher)……..22 july 09

latest news(edit)

7th-Sir Zainuddin(my khb teacher)..10 sept 09

Family…(big family)

1st-ma grandmother’s brother………feb 09

2nd-aunty-in-law for ma aunty ……..march 09

3rd-ma aunty’s causin …………april 09

people always said to me “Okay, you need to say goodbye now because you aren't going to be able to see them again." Guys just don't understand!! I was so close to losing it! I fought back tears harder than ever now. I told myself over and over, "No, I'm sure we'll be able to see them again before they leaves, of course we will! No, I'll see them again," but it was useless. My wishfull thinking couldn't change ALLAH's plan. It was His plan, so it had to be the right one, I just couldn't help but wish there was a different option. I don't remember what I did or said. I don't know if we hugged, or if I even remembered to say goodbye, but either way, it was goodbye. Goodbye ummi Halimatun.. Muhammad Ammar.. and Sir Ghazali !!! My wishfull thinking couldn't change anything… and im soo sad but i freely admitted my fated~

for anybody who is thinking that this year is ‘the year of the death’ coz of what happened in your life, you can share with me your story.. coz we got a same fated…~


  1. sbr lah ya.. xda bnda yang kekal kt Dunia ni.. insyaAllah. sma2 la kita berdoa. mudhn mereka2 ini tenang di sana..byk2 bsbr..
    smoga hati awk stiasa tng..

  2. criestz>anak gemilang
    hey thanks sis.. huhu (speechless)

  3. salam.

    after all, dunia ini sementara saja, apa lagi isinya, kan? tak pernah ada pun jaminan yang bila saja Allah bawa pulang seorang saudara kita hari ini, Dia takkan jemput kita pulang esoknya.

    make the best of what you have. al-quran itu menenangkan jiwa.

    Allah mahu kamu dekat dengan Dia. tunggu apa lagi, brother? mari beramal dengan masa kita yang tak sebanyak mana ni.

    all the best.

  4. criestz>max.j.potter
    thanks sis... i will
    all da besh to u too.. take care

  5. criestz>farihah ahmad
    thanks kak farihah..

  6. Alfatihah..
    Moga Allah rahmati ruhnya...

  7. criestz>sinar islami
    thanks sya..!!! =)

  8. Al-fatihah....
    Moga arwah sir mndapat tempat yg mulia d sisi Allah SWT...
    Antara prkara yg aku kagum dgn arwah sir ialah dia komited/istiqamah solah brjemaah d surau Matri...
    1 lg...
    Wajah sir nampak tenang bahagia dan bersih dlm blog Nabil...
    Wajah mereka yg soleh akan mmberikn kekuatan ruhi kpd kita smua...

  9. thanks for the pict..another death news this year...Al-fatihah for him..may Allah place his soul with those He please..

  10. criestz>imran mohd
    yes imran i saw his face after he die..
    it's very clean.. huhu

    a'a every month i heard a dead news huhu
    n this is the latest.. thnks for da prayed =)

  11. Al-Fatihah...semoga roh beliau di cucuri rahmat dan doakan agar beliau di tempat kan di kalangan orang2 beriman...insyaAllah...

    Setiap yang hidup akan mati..cuma kita tak tahu ajal kita cepat atau lambat..persiapkan lah diri kita dengan amal ibadat yang secukupnya sebelum di jemput oleh ALLAH S.W.T....mohonlah taubat selagi pintu taubat terbuka luas untuk kita semua..yang pergi tetap akan pergi...tak kan kembali kerana kehidupan di dunia adalah sementara...kehidupan yang kekal adalah di akhirat sana..

    Cuba tanya pada diri kita masing2...kita nak hidup dlm syurga or neraka?jawapan nya mestilah semua nak berada dalam syurga kn kn kn...=)

    So..We all just need to be prepared to see ALLAH and to live in Jannah Paradise..insyaAllah.

  12. Moga ALLAH kuatkan abg ihsan.
    Hihi Moga ALLAH sayang jua..

    p/s nah, nak sgt komen! Org elok2 x nk komen, dia duh p komen pulak..

  13. sabor banyak2 yew....
    sedekahkan Al-Fatihah kat arwah okeeyyhh..:)

  14. T_T. wu sedey entry ni. besabau ler bebanyak.

  15. smga Allah tempatkan sir ghazali omar brsama org2 yg soleh.

    setuju dgn imran.sir x pernah miss solat jemaah d musolla.muka sir mmg tenang.x pernah marah.cool..

    sama2 kita bramal soleh dn ambil pngajaran dgn berita2 kematian yg kita dpt.

  16. al-fatihah.

    sedih kan orang yang kita sayang tinggalkan kita...

  17. Al-fatihah..
    semoga Allah merahmati sir..
    satu lagi peringatan buat kita semua..

  18. criestz>khadijah adzhari
    yah jannah i coming =)

    thanks aisyah.. may ALLAH luv u too.. its ok i dun mind but i smiled =)

    criestz>FaTin GemiNi
    lets al-fatihah

    thnks aisyah.. owh sad huh?? nah serviette =P

    yah nabil.. i respect him so much.. never frgt to pray at musolla.. yah he's an id0l =)

    thanks amy.. yah is's sad hurt u kn =(

    thnks for ur al-fatihah ecah.. appreciated =)

    may ALLAH give our sir RAHMAT n BERKAH in his afterlife.. pray for him yah nailah..tq

  19. semoga awak tabah and redha dengan pemergian diorg..

  20. mati mmg 1 bnde yg eyka paling takutt. setiap mnusia mmg akn mati. kita hnya pinjaman dan akn kembali jua pd tuhan. al fatihah.... sedey nye sume blaku tym feb kn? b strong :) life must go on...

  21. criestz>cik eykameow :)
    so lets preparing from now yah eyka..
    all happend since feb lor eyka.. =(

  22. Alfatihah wat semua guru-guru kita yang dah pergi dulu..arwah Ummi..arwah Sir Ghazali, arwah Cikgu Tajul..juga sahabat di alam persekolahan.
    sampai kini pun kadang2 saya masih terasa hiba. semoga Ramadhan ini mereka ditinggikan darjat di sisi Allah di sana

  23. criestz>ummu Masyitah
    thanks mem.. but can i know who are u??
    agsin thanks for ur prayer =)


put ur link here blogger.. ~♡